Student Handbook

The NET (aka Student Handbook) is updated yearly to assist Saint Peter’s University students in becoming familiar with the many services and opportunities the University has to offer. From the section containing the History of the University through the section on University Community Standards, you will get a sense of what the Catholic and Jesuit mission of the University truly is. All of the information in this handbook was compiled with all students (traditional day, evening, and graduate) in mind.

If you have any comments or suggestions as to how we can improve next year’s edition of The NET, feel free to contact the Office of the Dean of Students at

Petrean Pledge

As a Petrean, I embrace the values that foster human respect and integrity needed for people to live, work, study and interact as a learning community at Saint Peter’s University. These values are articulated in the Mission Statement of Saint Peter’s University.

In the Spirit of that Statement,

I will respect the uniqueness and dignity of each person.

I will practice personal and academic honesty.

I will be responsible and accountable for my actions and their impact on others.

I will never be satisfied with second best in whatever I undertake, and will strive for the magis, for excellence, in every aspect of my life.

I will demonstrate self-discipline in all situations and seek peaceful resolutions to all conflicts.


I will stand publicly for all of these principles.