Professional Studies (BPS)

Bachelor of Professional Studies

The BPS was developed to afford interested adults several general studies options which enable those students with diverse interests and prior college credits to develop a degree program that matches their career goals and, if appropriate, their employer’s needs. These programs are particularly ef­fective for students with many credits from other colleges or for students who believe they may use assessment and testing to earn credit. This program is offered at the main campus or online. Students develop these programs with an advisor from the dean’s office.

Requirements for BPS

CU-210Writing Workshop3
CU-277Strategies of Oral Communication3.00
MA-212Elementary Statistics3
PO-201American Government3
AS-200Ethnic and Racial Relations3.00
or CS-260 Information Technology Ethics
SO-324Sociology of Work3
Values Course3
Total Credits30

Requirements for Bachelor of Professional Studies in Humanities*

In addition to fulfilling the core and BPS curriculum requirements, Humanities majors pursuing a Bachelor’s degree must complete the following additional 15 credits:

MA-214Mathematics of Finance3
AR-220Introduction to Computer Art3
SP-362History and Culture of Cuba3
HS-442The Long Civil Rights Movemnt in America3
TH-499Theology and Contemporary Public Issues3
Total Credits15

Requirements for Bachelor of Professional Studies in General Studies*

In addition to fulfilling the core and BPS curriculum requirements, General Studies majors pursuing a Bachelor’s degree must complete the following additional 15 credits:

MA-214Mathematics of Finance3
SJ-250Intro to Social Justice3
SO-384Cultural Anthropology3
HS-442The Long Civil Rights Movemnt in America3
TH-499Theology and Contemporary Public Issues3
Total Credits15

Requirements for Bachelor of Professional Studies in Social Sciences*

In addition to fulfilling the core and BPS curriculum requirements, Social Sciences majors pursuing a Bachelor’s degree must complete the following additional 15 credits:

PS-220Social Psychology3
SJ-250Intro to Social Justice3
SO-360Intercultural Relations3
SO-384Cultural Anthropology3
SO-448Statistics in the Social Sciences3
Total Credits15

Requirements for Bachelor of Professional Studies in Organizational Leadership*

In addition to fulfilling the core and BPS curriculum requirements, Organizational Leadership majors pursuing a Bachelor’s degree must complete the following additional 15 credits:

BA-151Principles of Management3
CS-271Decision Support Systems3
PS-430Industrial-Organizational Psy3
SO-360Intercultural Relations3
Total Credits15

Requirements for Bachelor of Professional Studies in Cyber Security*

In addition to fulfilling the core and BPS curriculum requirements, Cyber Security majors pursuing a Bachelor’s degree must complete the following additional 15 credits:

CS-190Secure Software Development3.00
CS-496Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics Lab3
IS-380Database and Data Administration3
IS-381Cyber Security Planning and Risk Mgmt3
Total Credits15

*May take appropriate substitutions in consultation with an advisor.